The profound problems facing Africa can be solved only with effective and sustainable aid. We believe that such aid must be provided by a policy that emphasizes self-sufficiency rather than paternalism. Almost half of the population in sub-Saharan Africa is under the age of fifteen. Most international aid has been focused on the material needs of African children.
However, if Africa is going to alleviate its dependence on foreign aid and effect positive change from within, its youth must not only be well fed, but well adjusted, motivated, skilled, and confident. CNI is dedicated to nurturing new generations of strong, capable, ethical individuals by focusing on satisfying the emotional, psychological, and social needs of African children.
Accomplishing this task necessarily involves providing teachers, caretakers, and leaders with the training, education, and support that they desperately need. By working in tandem with African communities and institutions, we believe that we can foster African solutions to African problems.
515 Richmond Street Po Box 1141, London, ON Canada N6A 5K2